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St Quentin has merged with Charter Keck Cramer

From the 1st July, St Quentin Consulting’s Civil Engineers have merged with Charter Keck Cramer, which substantially increases the scale and delivery capability for our clients in the Geelong Region.

Charter Keck Cramer also provide complete property services and solutions to help all stages of the property cycle.
Charter Keck Cramer services range from advisory to research; valuations to project management. This interdisciplinary approach to property solutions allow us to make informed decisions that look at the whole picture. It also has given us proven experience with a diverse range of clients, including tenants, investors, businesses, banks, lawyers, vendors, governments & institutions, developers, accountants, architects and more.
Matched with St Quentin Consulting’s strong consultancy skills in Town Planning, Land Surveying and Geotechnical Engineering, our combined capabilities provide research, innovation, knowledge and resources to deliver outstanding property solutions and a quality property service like no other.